Expert Directory


The purpose of the Black Media Initiative Expert Directory is to connect Black media outlets with top subject matter experts in their field who are interested in being a news source for Black media. The methodology for this research consisted of a two-step process: a vetted list of expert professionals and a survey.

The vetted list of experts was created using advanced search techniques on Google, social media, and other databases. It is not intended to be a static list, but a living directory in order to be able to include new, potential partners as needed. Directory participants were chosen based on qualifications, demographics, scope of work, background, and availability of contact information.

The survey was designed to confirm that respondents are interested in being a news source for Black media outlets and to collect information about the respondents to be shared in a public directory, except where noted. The survey was shared with our vetted list of subject matter experts via email. Following the initial distribution, we then shared the survey more broadly via direct outreach and social media platforms. The initial sample size we reached out to was 100 respondents. At the time of publishing we have 58 respondents. The survey questions included the following:

  • What is your area of expertise?
  • Do you have media training or an interest in participating in media training?
  • Where do you primarily live and work? 

We compiled the information collected from respondents who completed the survey into a public directory to be shared to other Black newsrooms.

Key Findings

The results show that the directory contains 58 experts who are interested in working with Black media. The majority of them (79%) identify as Black, and 91% identify as people of color. The most popular area of expertise among the experts is social justice (29%), followed by education (17%) and technology (12%). Other areas of expertise that are represented in the directory are science, politics, sports, arts & culture, health, business & finance, criminal justice and psychology.

The directory also reflects the geographic diversity of the experts, as they come from 18 different states. The most common states represented in the directory are New York, California, and Washington, D.C. Additionally, 40% of the experts have received media training, which indicates their readiness and competence to work with Black media.

Number of Experts by State

Not shown on map: Washington, D.C. 7 experts

We hope this directory can serve as a valuable resource for Black media outlets that are looking for experts who can provide informed and diverse perspectives on various topics and issues. The directory can also help to increase the visibility and representation of Black experts and people of color in the media landscape, which can contribute to more inclusive and equitable public discourse.

If you are interested in contacting one of the experts in this directory please reach out to for us to connect you. If you want to be added to the directory please sign up here.

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